back Promoting job vacancies

Candydate is NOT a conventional job board or listing site. Instead, it functions wherever job vacancies are advertised, be it online or in print (e.g., web portals, newspapers, tweets, stickers, t-shirts, and more).

To use Candydate, simply add your job link or QR code to your chosen advertisement medium, allowing people to apply directly. Here's how:

  1. Obtain the job link by clicking the QR icon.
  2. Copy and paste the link (or use the provided QR images) into your ads or promotions.
  3. Ensure your job is active (turned ON) by visiting the link.

It's crucial that your job offer is visible to potential applicants. For ideas on attracting candidates and finding free advertising platforms, contact us.

Premium users can also utilize a Careers page Link/QR or create custom, tracked links for enhanced functionality.